Actions from Central Area Panel meeting 11.10.22


Deadline for staff to respond: 16th November 2022







Completion Date







Look at the accessibility and security of the rear access door for Warwick Mount laundry room

Geof Gage

We will have this looked at and report back to Area Panel with a recommendation. The options could include a ramp and keypad entry.



Consider what can be done going forward in terms of security and key fobs


Justine Harris


Whilst we have not been unable to identify a quick solution to the cloning of the key fobs, we have found out that security can be provided by purchasing additional software, this is being investigated. Further update to be provided at the next Area Panel



Liaise with Justine Harris regarding Highcroft Lodge car parking and on street parking and ongoing fly tipping and phone Theresa Mackey


Grant Richie

Verbal update to be given at Area Panel. The variance of parking charges is currently being reviewed. Fly tipping has been reported to the Housing Estates Service.


Further incidents of fly tipping should be reported the Estates team: Fly tipping in the car park should be reported to: , tel: 01273 294769.



Speak to Geof Gage about accessibility and mobility around communal parts of blocks to see if this can be considered when carrying out planned works

Grant Richie

For windows, doors and roof programmes this will not necessarily be an area that they could consider for this, it could be looked at as part of our external repairs planned programme (subject to budget) and major works projects and we will ask for this to be a consideration when programming these works. It should be noted this would only be for external access purposes.




Follow up with Geof Gage to get a response on making the fire doors in Essex Place more accessible for disabled residents if unable to install a push button at present

Grant Richie

We have considered the works required and we are putting together a programme as part of our fire safety works to overall and repair the communal doors to the landings.


We are unable to consider these for automatic openers and this would not be included in this programme. Further verbal response to be given at Area Panel.



Follow up with Housing Estates Assistants to ensure issues/ repairs in communal areas of blocks are being reported back

Justine Harris




Follow up with colleagues regarding scheduling internal block inspections

Geof Gage

We have undertaken a stock condition survey of our blocks and from April 2023 we will be undertaking further stock condition surveys, which will be the basis for future programmes from 2029. As part of our External & Internal decorations planned programmes, we have now concluded our inspections and have a 5-year programme in place (subject to budget approval).



Follow up with Estates team regarding cleaners at Essex Place and provide an update


Justine Harris

The cleaner who regularly cleans Essex Place is back at work. The block has been inspected. If there are further concerns please can residents contact Estates Services 01273 294769 or



Clarify if the cost of laundry room provision is being added to Essex Place tenant’s rent, how much it is costing and what the impact may be.


Justine Harris

All laundries in general needs housing are managed within a single contract.


Running costs are recorded as a whole. These are paid from the HRA and not ring fenced to rental income from each individual block.
